Friday, March 4, 2011

Today is a new day. Yipeeee!!

I'm so giddy today. It's almost uncontrollable. I'm trying so desperately hard to focus at work. Fortunately I'm getting a great deal of ground covered. I definitely need to. It is such a good feeling to get work put behind me. On the other hand, I'm in the office with the only nosey, and snooty coworker that exists in my office. :/ Not really the situation you want to be in on Friday, but who cares. I'll stay in my little nook and do my job. She is just nosey and often a tattle tail. (I thought we all left that behind before we came into the professional world. Obviously, I was mistaken.)

Tonight, I get to see that adorable man that I'm dating. I feel so spoiled when I get to see him so often, but I love it. :]  He is extremely precious. We're going to an MMA fight tonight; a friend of mine is in the fight!!! Crazy! Gotta love it.

...back to work kids.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sometimes Life Moves soooo Quickly

I received this text yesterday:
          I really, really love seeing pics of us and spending time with u. I'm really falling for u


...This is really exciting. I don't think I've been this excited in a really long time about this boyfriend stuff.

Life is about timing, and I am not the timing perfector, nor do I ever plan on being. I just live. I'm thankful for the little things in life.