Friday, April 29, 2011

Where did it all go???

Tomorrow is the last day of April??? Really??  Sometimes time just flies by, but I'm not going to ask for it back. That would be too much. The world has only stopped spinning, or maybe it went backwards, if I remember correctly, once. I wouldn't want to be responsible for the next time that happens. I doubt it would be worth it. I'm pretty insignificant in the world of, well, other stuff.

Since last time, I quit my old job and started a new one. It's pretty glorious! :D The new job hooked me up with all of the corporate umbilical cords, and I don't really mind it. It is kind of fun. I'm playing Pandora on my crackberry as I type. ...convenient. :) This new work life is great. I love it. Sure, it has it's frustrations, and loads of paperwork, and inflexibilities at times, but the main point is that I'm happy. I feel challenged, and I know that there are several people gunning for me, in a good way! It feels good to know that you're appreciated. I haven't felt that in the work place in a long, long time. They appreciate my input, and my work. It has been reassuring, and I feel so privileged to have that, not everyone does.