Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time there was  pretty little princess, sitting in her pretty little castle window. She gazed out upon the hills and people of her pretty little land, and all she wanted was to be like them. So, one day she did. The King and Queen disowned her, and made her to live among the village people. She was required to work hard and save her pennies. She liked the hard work and earning her keep at first, but then realized that it was all for the birds. Her job was mindless, uninteresting, and hardly paid the bills. Life would be much easier staring out on the land from her rose colored glasses while others waited on her hand and foot.

the end.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Here it is...

I'm a stress eater. When life hands me a great big pile of uncontrollable I eat sweets by the barrels, or at least until I feel horrible. I figure, if I'm going to feel horrible anyway I might as well be able to blame it on the food. Honestly, I don't know what to do about it. Sadly, it seems to keep me sane. This week was supposed to start off with one of those bangs!! The good kind. The kind that makes you jump start the end of your year, but it didn't. From the big things to the minutiae of life it has been totally out of sync. I have enjoyed talks of great possibilities, a cold, and major company changes. The company changes were the biggest shockers. What's a girl to do?? ...well, this one just enjoyed some Christmas desserts. I'll be paying for it all week.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas parties and such!

The office is in a stir! It's that time of year for holiday gatherings, and the company is having a "holiday meeting" this afternoon/evening. Needless to say, the office is buzzing around with festive holiday colors and holiday cheer. The boss grabbed the mardi gras beads, and is marching around like a gangster. Maybe, just maybe this event will be worthwhile. :)

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Neighbors and dogs...sheesh

This just happened...

Just had a hand written note placed on my door from my neighbor it said,
"Neighbor, please do not let your dog attack my daughter as she walks home
from the bus stop." WTF! My dog never attacked anyone! I respond to this w/ "dear neighbor, please don't let your child bang on my fence & piss my dog off." I'm so sick of stupid neighbors!

No, I didn't do this, but someone very near and dear to my heart did. I laughed, but I don't think I could ever pull this off. hahaha.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Really?!? ...yes, really.

Courtesy of UrbanDictionary.com:
Adjective for someone willing to take risks, or displays how manly or unafraid of authority and/or getting caught a person is. Also to describe the act of something dangerous or forbidden.
"You snorted cocaine in your junior high girl's bathroom!? That was ballsy!"

Yesterday was a ballsy kind of day. It was just one of those days when all the crap that people say about things that you are already a little disturbed about culminate. So, like any grown person does, I acted on my sentiments. I sent a very professional email to an Executive VP of my company, and copied my boss. It's just something that I thought needed to happen. What the heck. At my level I doubt it would stir up anything. Today, I received nothing in response. ...not surprised. However, my actions did cause a "butterfly effect," if you will. My boss sent a ballsy email to his boss about unrealistic expectations for next year. I approve. It's the business person thing to do. Don't ever roll over when people give you craptastic stuff to do. Instead, approach them with a plan, or an insightful response. In the end, it's what we were made for.

Happy almost Friday!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Technological Guru??? ...maybe.

In life we all wonder who we will be, and what we will become when we grow up. Well, people tell me I'm grown all the time, but I'm still wondering when I'll grow up. Life leaves us in limbo so often after you matriculate. If you aren't married with a few kids running around you're probably in limbo.

Today in the office I realized that I'm a bit too analytical for my own good, and I like it!! Unbeknown to me, I utilize all kinds of software programs without even taking it into account. Therefore, I decided I would become a GENIUS!! ...or at least know enough about some of the obscure programs that I can get myself out of trouble if needed. ;) Next thing I know, while on this tech. high, a coworker asks how to undo something she had done in one of our new systems, and I ...yes I... knew the answer off the top of my head. There were four other attentive audience members, who I know, personally, had no idea how to answer her question. Interesting. I like being the tech guru, but I'll have to work at not being the office's go to person. There are other metrics I'm fortunate to have *gag* in this office, and they don't necessarily count technological skills in that group. It's a crying shame.

Well, I guess I can add one more thing to my resume!

...life is goooooooood.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Did this REALLY happen??

Thanksgiving has come and gone with a bang. Now on to the festive Christmas season, or in my case, the start of the most random, awkwardest conversations/comments ever. Sunday, I was in attendance at an NFL game. A fantastically glorious game, but nonetheless this post isn't about football. While we were waiting for the game to start I decided it would be an awesome time to have a snack. I was starving, so I casually started to eat a healthy snack, an apple. Which aroused the start of a conversation about prostitution because apparently the apple is an energy food, commonly eaten by prostitutes. So, lucky me, I was eating a tried and proven energy food. Wooohoo!!

The next day a friend decided to text me his random dream: Apparently, he had been traveling in dreamland, and had made it to Angelina Jolie & Jimmy Kimmel's private hotel. Luckily for him, Jimmy was out of town. Angelina had not only drugged, but seduced him. Needless to say, he had been pimped out of his own volition. ...I wonder if he ate an apple.

Regardless, this is the start of my week. Interesting...

Monday, November 29, 2010

WHAT?!? Thanksgiving is over???

The universe has suffered through the drag of working a three day week, and heading into the holiday season, officially. Most of us overstuffed on deliciously prepared delectables, and have committed to not eating until Christmas...rightttttttt. I couple of my younger cousins woke up early and ran a 5K, and one of my friends ran the 10K, exhilarating!! I think I'll try to run it next year; it would be fun. It's refreshing, and makes you feel so productive on Thanksgiving. Also, it gives you a great excuse to take a post Thanksgiving nap. :)

Fortunately, I was able to avoid the Black Friday madness. I only stopped off at a couple stores after 12pm. It was definitely more peaceful then, and my body thanked me for the additional sleep. ahhh. The weekend was filled to the brim with football madness. A great close game on Saturday, and a sweep on Sunday. Perfect weather for outdoor live sports!! Now it's Monday, and I'm back to the grind. Cyber Monday, and the internet is slowwwwwwwww. Believe it. People are finishing their Christmas shopping at the office today.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

what's up party people!

'Well, for starters, let me tell you what's not up. ;) Life has been pretty low key, and I'm loving it!!! I caught the crud this week, and it put me in a non-blogging mood. Sorry internetzzz. In the mean time however, I have rediscovered the luxury of not working out, but also reading books that would make me feel as though I'm growing in my business knowledge. It's a good thing, and I like it no matter how nerdy it makes me sound! Haha! Take that! ...alright, so the weather has been perfect! I've done the sit outside and watch football thing this morning, lounge on the couch this afternoon, I'm looking forward to a home-cooked meal with friends tonight and then a birthday celebration later! Yay for a social life. Times are currently tight, but life is good, and drama free. There are many key people to thank for that, but I'll save it for another post. Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is it Friday, yet??

It's Wednesday, but I'm begging for Friday to come!! Not only has this been one of those dreaded weeks where everyone else's office illness tends to settle like a rain cloud over your desk, but also, my dear college friend and his adorable wife are coming in town. Yay!! :] This will make for an enjoyable Friday, despite the consistency of the office drudgery. I really do love my job, but you can't say that without a bit of sarcasm since most of us would rather be out on a jet ski or snow boarding, or pretty much anything other than the standard cube crawl, (which is much different than a pub crawl for obvious HR reasons).

Lately I've been looking into different recipes to perk myself up. Despite my waining health due to the accumulation of childhood illnesses in the office I always feel up for some good home cooking! I tried out a new blondie brownie recipe. yummm! Oh, how I love blogs and their delicious recipes, and this one was phenomenal. I don't have pictures, sadly. ...partially due to my lackluster effort when I didn't have all the ingredients, and decided to punt! They were still delicious!!

Seriously though people, I do cook and eat healthy foods. Remember I am on a coalition here to end inactivity and craptastic foods! So, maybe I just try to enjoy them with better for you ingredients in moderation. That has to be ok, right? Right???

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Calling in??

*cough* *cough* ...I think I'm getting sick. My boss was ill last week. Someone else has called in sick for a couple days, and another went home yesterday, not to mention her MIA status today. That MUST mean I'm getting sick too. Hmmm. Tomorrow is Friday, a.k.a. a great day to spend recovering from this awful sickness that is being passed around the office. I would hate to wait until it spread into a full blown writhing in pain illness that would have me miss several days. Not to mention that Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and WHO WANTS TO BE SICK FOR THANKSGIVING??!!? Not me, that's who.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What now???

Today started off in that ordinary way. The alarm sounded in that incessant tone, and I lovingly got up and snoozed. What better way to start off the morning!! :] ...then...I felt guilty...for sleeping in. So, I turned off the alarm and got in the shower. This was, of course, after flopping over in the bed several times, and rationalizing with God that it was much better that I slept in a little longer. Besides that, I should be thankful. It was good enough to get that mental nudge that drew me out of my dream state. I could have been that frantic, smelly, late, mad dash to the office person in whatever I could sensibly pull out of my closet with a quickness and throw on without feeling like some unknown stranger on "What Not To Wear". Hmmm, maybe that could have worked. Ok, probably not, but it was worth the second thought.

After getting to work I find out I am a mentor. wow. They entrust young minds to moi?!? This could be really exciting. I thought I would start off by explaining how enraging and devious the work world can be, or by comparing my past work experience to The Office. You know, the TV show -- the American one. It is by and large one of my favorite parodies of work life. I can never get enough of the earlier seasons with the hidden office romance between Jim & Pam, not to mention the incompetent boss, Michael, and the overtly annoying coworkers. Aghhh, comedy at it's BEST!! I digress. I will be certain to ensure this little mentee, filled with hopes of grandeur and traveling the globe, is spurred on to greatness.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rambling Sally meets the Coalition :]

With the onslaught of coworker drama, (please see previous post), I'm drawn to the natural...food. Who isn't drawn to this when life seems to catch you off guard?? For the select few out in the world that can simply contain themselves until they are capable of going for a three or ten mile run, well great. For the rest of us, however, we are confined to tiny cubes or even tinier offices, possibly shared with some other monotonous coworker, and are driven to snack off our worries. Yes, I said it. We are compulsive stress eaters. So, there. I've admitted it to the world, and now I feel that we should form a coalition to combat this evil, evil genetically predisposed condition.

In light of this serious condition I have a photo to post if Blogger will be so kind as to grant me the privilege.

This is very serious. If you would like to join this armed force you may voice your support below. It is no laughing matter that we suffer like so. Therefore, I proclaim today the War on Hazardous Foods and Habitual Inactivity. Get off your tooshies gentle people of the world!! Walk over to that printer and pick up today's new groupon, and plan an outing with people that make you laugh and giggle uncontrollably!

...hey now, every little bit counts.

I've heard numerous times that laughing is a great abs exercise. Gotta start somewhere.

Seriously, man. Seriously??

Today is THAT day. I'm really feeling connected to the world. Life is going well, and I feel as though I just might be figuring out the rest of my life, slowly...but I'm making progress for sure. THEN...BAMM! One of my old coworkers got a new job. Dang. Seriously? To some of you this may not stir any emotions or bring those feelings of relentless doubt in self, God, company and country, but to me it does. I wonder, "Is it my time to leave??? ...Have I been working in this HELL hole so long that it seems like it's right?!?? OH MY GOSH!!!" Then, I check my pulse, my bank account, and contemplate the rest of my life for a moment. Everything. is. going. to. be. ok. So I tell myself. Life moves on, and so do people some times. Moving on means more connections in other places. This is a good thing.